
H23O is a consulting and coaching firm focused on improving teamwork and collaboration in teams, between leaders, and across organisations.

Team Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Advisory services on Sustainable Leadership


Bespoke workshops


Who is this for?

Our services are designed for boards, C-suite executives, Vice Presidents, Heads of Departments, Team Leaders, and the members of their teams. If your success is dependent on the performance and outcome of a team, you will want to talk with us.

How we serve

Our services are bespoke and tailored because your team – its members, collective purpose, and stakeholders – is unique.  We partner with you to co-discover the route that leads to greater collaboration within your team.

Situations where clients ask us to help include:

Setting up a new organisation

New organisations, start-ups, and teams are great fun because everyone is optimistic and motivated. The context in which a team operates impacts teamwork and we know that it does not just occur naturally – it requires attention and concerted effort. We partner with our clients to establish the right foundations in their teams from day one.

Some questions you might have:

  • How can I get everyone in the team aligned on the reason for our coming together?
  • How will we establish a common understanding about how we will work together?
  • What form of leadership will work best at this early stage of the business and with this team?
Stabilising after strong growth

Just like people, businesses grow up, mature, and adopt new behaviours. The ways of working that powered a successful phase of growth will not necessarily maintain your success or support the next phase. We partner with our clients to reset team and organisational behaviours and align them for sustainable performance over the long term.

Some questions you may have:

  • How are our current incentives distracting us from achieving our intended outcomes?
  • Conflict is increasing – how do I avoid the team from unravelling?
  • The team is strong because we overcame tough situations together, but it has also become a bit exclusive. How do I integrate the new members we need for the next phase of growth?
Pulling together through disruption

Disruption is a constant in our modern world – mergers, acquisitions, and re-organisations shake up teams and organisations. It can also shake teams apart in the absence of concerted attention to keep the team connected. We partner with our clients as they pull together through disruption.

Some questions you may have:

  • How will the team cope with the loss of members who were the ‘glue’ that kept the team together?
  • How will I combine what appear to be two very different cultures into one effective team?
  • What is going to reduce the conflict, build trust, and finally get these new team members working with each other?
Revitalising stagnant teams

Long standing teams can lose motivation over time and become stagnant. They find comfortable ways of working and resist change because “we have always done it this way.” In today’s business world, innovation is necessary and resistance is futile. We partner with our clients as they re-motivate and re-inspire their teams.

Some questions you may have:

  • We seem to have all the right ingredients; what is holding us back?
  • How can new voices and new ideas find space to be heard and considered?
  • How can I get the team members who are resistant to the change I believe we need onboard?
Collaborating across boundaries

Teams are more dispersed and diverse than ever before.  Members can be spread across different locations, time zones, and even companies. Building trust, accountability, and cooperation so the wider team acts ‘as one’ towards a common outcome is no easy task. We partner with our clients to foster a sense of interdependency within teams that leads them towards collaboration.

Some questions you may have:

  • How do you build trust within a team?
  • What will it take for my team to stop pointing fingers and start working together?
  • How can I best incentivise the team to encourage the collaborative behaviour we need to be successful?
Building sustainable competitive advantage for the future

Everyone is talking about stakeholder capitalism as the new path for business, but where are the proven frameworks and successful case studies to follow? Our work is performed through the lens of Sustainable Leadership using a framework developed by the Institute for Sustainable Leadership that drives towards high-performing and resilient organisations. We partner with our clients as they transform their businesses for long term success in a stakeholder driven future.

Some questions you may have:

  • What does a successful business operating under stakeholder capitalism look like?
  • What principles and practices do we need to adopt or adapt to succeed in this new business environment?
  • How do we measure success?

Talk to us about your unique situation, requirements, and how we can partner with you to achieve your sustainable outcomes for your team, leaders, or organisation.

Ready to improve your team?

let’s talk


H23O GmbH
c/o Impact Hub Zurich
Sihlquai 131, Zurich 8005



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